SUMMER JOBS: Be a Camp Counselor
SewGreen has summer jobs for teens 14 and up who want to be camp counselors at SewGreen's sewing camps in July and August. We provide training in sewing and teaching others to sew, as well as basic job skills.
Dates and times of employment are:
Monday through Thursday, June 29 - July 2, 9 am to 4 pm
Monday through Thursday, July 6 - August 27, 9 am to noon, or 1 to 4 pm
Applicants must be able to work all of the dates listed.
Positions are available through local youth employment agencies such as the Ithaca Youth Bureau, The Learning Web, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and Workforce NY.
To get started, contact any of the agencies listed above. Let them know that you want to work at SewGreen. Then come see us for an interview. For more information, call Wendy at SewGreen, 607-319-4106 or send an email to coord@sewgreen.org
Free Apprenticeships
We welcome apprentices who are referred to us from agencies or schools. We get to know you and tailor learning and work to your interests. Most apprenticeships involve working in our retail store or helping with children's sewing classes.
SewGreen is seeking talented college-age interns who want retail or teaching
experience. Most of our internships are unpaid, unless together we can
find a source of grant funding. Our internships are personally tailored
to fit your interests and talents. We will show you how to run a store,
and if you like to work with kids and teens, how to help out in the sewing